Tips to Prepare Your Kids For a Fun and Relaxed Lifestyle Family Photography Session

The very nature of lifestyle photography is relaxed, and is meant to capture you and your family in authentic moments. With its more documentary-type nature, you don't need to force smiles or say cheese. We will play and talk and move and sing and tell jokes & stories. I will capture your gorgeous family in all of your love, spirit, & fun (and sometimes even messiness). But don't worry mom: your photos will be gorgeous.

By preparing your children ahead of time, you can maximize the fun and minimize the moodiness. Here are some tips for a smooth and relaxed experience.


A days before the session, tell your children that your friend is going to take some pictures of the family. Explain that you will be going to a really fun beach or park or field. Let them know they will be asked to stand or sit in different way and then we are going to play some games. They will be able to sing and tell jokes or stories. It will take about 45 minutes to an hour.

Show them other family photos

Most kids love to see photos of themselves. Show them past pictures from your iphone, album or framed print. If kids understand that the experience will result in fun photos, they may be more excited to participate.

Make sure they are fed

Feed your children dinner or a big snack before the session. Hangry kids are never easy to work with.

offer a reward

A little before shoot, let them know that after the session you will be going out for a special treat or that you will do a favorite activity as a family. This helps make the whole experience one of bonding and fun.

Make sure everyone is rested

Most sessions are held at golden hour - either just after sunrise or just before sunset, to get the best light. If we are taking evening photos, put your child down for a late nap the day of the session. If they don’t nap, provide a relaxing and restful experience the afternoon of the photo shoot.

Be sure to clear your schedule so that you aren’t rushing from one activity to the next. Make the photo session the main event of the day.

what about shy children?

If your child isn’t comfortable leaving your arms, that is fine. We can still get beautiful pictures of your child.I will never force your child to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable.

If you have any questions about getting your child ready, please shoot me an email. And don’t worry mama, your family is absolutely stunning and beautiful and amazing, and so are you.

↓↓Most importantly↓↓

Focus less on the camera and more on your family

My number one piece of advice is to just pretend that im not even there. When you're in front of the camera, your instinct is to look at it and smile - and that's okay! But trust me, the second you look away, I'm snapping all of the in-between moments that you don't even see.

Let go of perfection

I get it. Photoshoots are an investment. Between booking your shoot, buying outfits, and possibly even paying for hair and makeup services, you want your pictures to come out perfect. But that doesn't mean YOU have to be perfect. It's okay if your hair gets a little messier the heat causes it to frizz a tad. It's okay if the kids are making funny faces and they got a little dirt on their clothes. Trust the process. Trust the chaos. And trust that amidst of it all, your photographer will guide you through the shoot and capture the most important moments. Besides, perfection is over-rated anyway!

Let loose and have fun

It's that simple. Don't overthink the shoot. Don't let your nerves get the best of you. Just enjoy the moment as if it was any other ordinary day. Show up to your session with an open heart, a go-with-the-flow state of mind and I promise all will run smoothly.

Lets chat - ask me anything!